A person, full of pain and sorrow, a heart that is parted in the middle, held together with one thread of hope and faith…
The light is slowly getting farther and smaller in the distance as my world gets swallowed up in darkness and is almost consuming me alive as my breath is slowly parting from me. This dark abyss has walls and as I feel, I realize the walls are made of bars, this abyss is a prison!
How do I escape?
My breath is leaving me quickly now as I panic. God seems so far from me now as the light is as small as a star in the night sky. I pray my hardest, but there seems to be never once be an answer! I cry, but there is nowhere for my words to go. Is this a dream?
Or reality?
Am I real?
Yet there is no where for my questions to be answered. That one thread that holds my cold and beaten heart together is pulling and tearing, about to snap at any moment…
Who are people?
Do you know what mask they’re wearing, how they really feel?
What’s inside them?