"I'm Okay, Promise"
I just want to scream until my lungs give way
Exploding with the stress I have tucked away
No fight left in me, the spark fizzled out
I'd give any possession to escape this route
My sense of purpose lost
No gain is worth the cost
Tried so hard to win but always lost
Forever reaching for perfection but never tall enough
"I'm okay, promise"
Please call that bluff.
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I want to thank you so much for writing this poem. There are so many people out there who are falling apart and crying out for help with those simple words; "I'm okay." So often then not we want people to read throuh us. But you know sometimes it's best to just tell them. Not everyone can look past, and even if they see it they won't think you would want to talk about it if you say you are fine. Don't be afraid to speak about your heartache, especailly when you write your poems here on Power Poetry. We are always here to listen.