They have always asked us a question
Judged us like a book cover
And they expect us to answer
We’ve been through harsh times
Of discrimination because of our skin
They ask us “Are you from Islam?”
And we give them angry and puzzled looks
“Islam is not a country, but my religion”
And in return, they give us confused looks
We think of it as ignorance
Even a non-educated person would know who we are
And so we go through many questions
With the same ignorance
Of who we are
Is race and religion so important?
Is that what’s supposed to make me who I am?
My exterior is different from yours,
But my interior is the same.
We can be of the same gender or sex
Yet you decided to judge me anyway
I have brown skin
Different from yours
But we both have hearts
And we both can feel pain
So, understand my hurt
When someone mistakes my religion
As a place
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This was brilliant. I can't even fathom what you have had to deal with, but this poem allows me to glimpse into the window
*Snap Snap*
It's easier to ignore
It's harder to explain
It's easier to classify
It's harder to accept
It's easier to follow
It's harder to stand out
Its easier to speak
It's harder to listen
It's easier to judge
It's harder to learn
Its easier to fight
It's harder to cry
Hard to stand
Harder to try
what's wrong is easy
Whats strong is right
whats Right is