If I Was Going to Write a Poem About You
If I was going to write a poem about you,
I would tell the whole world
That you are so terrible at singing
Your falsetto voice could shatter glass.
But, when you’re deployed, I miss your singing.
And I play all your favorite songs
To try and remember your voice.
If I was going to write a poem about you,
I would tell the whole world
That you broke your glasses in half
The singular time you tried to play basketball
But, when you’re deployed, I remember that first date
And I follow your basketball teams
So I can summarize the playoffs over Skype.
If I was going to write a poem about you,
I would tell the whole world
That you almost burned the house down
The last time you tried to make Mac and Cheese.
But, when you’re deployed, I eat alone
So, I really don’t eat much of anything
Unless I get the chance to feed your friends.
If I was going to write a poem about you,
I would tell the whole world
That you once kept me up past three in the morning
To sew on your ensignia before drill, and I almost killed you
But, when you’re deployed, I look at your pictures
And, to me, you look just as good in dress uniform
As you look in a baggy sweatshirt.
If I was going to write a poem about you,
I would tell the whole world
That I haven’t really gotten used to missing you
And maybe that makes me weak
But, when you’re deployed, I promise myself
That, as soon as you get home,
I am diving right into your arms.