I am not allowed
I’m not allowed
My God is gentle, He is sweet, He is kind
He has given me my body, soul, and mind
My God is loving, He is powerful and strong
I will follow Him all the day long
My God is in heaven seated on His throne
I am an Earth, but I am never alone
My God is greater than a sinner like me
But that is the way it should always be
You can believe in your god
I’m not allowed to believe in mine
My God is truth, He is wonder, He is all
Before Him, on my face, I shall fall
My God is worthy of honor and praise
To him, my arms, I will forever raise
My God is here, and now and forever
My life is His, ceasing never
My God gave me the gift of salvation
Now I am free from wrath and damnation
You can believe in your god
I’m not allowed to believe in mine
For him I keep my thoughts to myself
And throw my pride away on the shelf
With Him I am slandered and cursed
But without Him my life would be infinitely worse
My God is in me
And forever shall be
So you believe in your god
But that will NOT stop me from believing in mine