I am
I am not a piece of meat for you to devoure
But I may tease you just to satisfy myself
I am a woman
I am not wearing tight clothing just to here the cat calling
But I may smile to myself to now I am wanted
I am a woman
I am not doing my hair to live up to the qoute unqoute image of what a woman looks like
But let me use this to my adavantage
I am a woman
I am insecurity
But you would never know because
The way I talk
The way I walk'They way I smile at your hideous jokes
The way my collar bones move when my shoulder shrugsin my dismay
I am a woman
but only I can reffere to myself as such because not only that
I am a human being
A human being who does not want to be looked at as the weaker sex
Inferior to those who call themselves society and "man"
Knowing woman, the "she's just a girl", the sexy mama, the single mothers
the striper, the girl at the corner, the sugar baby, the daughters of young fathers,
the unborn daughter of a chineses mother, the daughter forced to marry,
the ones who only know how to "lay on their backs",
the nine months of pain.
We are as strong, determined, driven, stressed as any other "man"
We are woman
We are human beings
And this is who I am