Inequality revolves around the idea of stereotypes.
Black, White, Yellow, Red,
Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian,
Female, Male,
Minor, Adult,
Blond, Brunette, Redhead,
Rich, Poor,
Christian, Muslim, Jew...
It seems as if there's a never-ending supply
Of these labels.
A never-ending supply of hate,
But why?
For what reason do we make others feel inferior?
For what reason do we downgrade?
No matter how different we are,
By look, or by religion,
By personality, or by wealth,
By sexuality, or by age,
We all have one unifying factor,
We are all human.
No matter our shape, size, or any factor,
We are all together as one.
If we could just close our eyes,
And get to know people past our differences,
Or even better,
Open our eyes,
And embrace the differences,
The world would be that much better.
The world would be that much more like it should be.
The world would be that much more like home,
To all of us humans.