How Overcome Adversity
Hispanics are considered a minority because most of them are not educated
and barely make enough to reach the minimum wage.
Living in a world where that’s expected from you can be tough
and even break the spirit of a kid at such a young age.
I of course fall under that category coming from a big Hispanic family
that can barely make ends meet.
We struggle day by day but we do it together.
We don’t have to follow the path that written for us
in fact we can choose to go against it.
Growing up and witnessing of hand how parents struggle just to keep food in the table and having to sacrifice family time was considered normal growing up in a household of three.
Even though they weren’t very present in my high school races or wrestling matches I’ve learned to appreciate them in every way possible because they taught us a valuable life lesson.
Life isn’t easy and you can’t expect to have things handed to you, you make your own destiny in this world.
My father always use to tell us when we were kids before putting us to bed education is the way out of this place.
I never quite understood the significance of those words when I was six but throughout the years I’ve come to a realization that what my father told me when I was a simple-minded six year old was true.
That’s the crazy part of it when I was younger I hated going to school.
Staring at the old clocks hanging from the walls for the short hand to reach 3 was my forte. In order words what my father meant to say to us kids was that having knowledge meant having power.
I just want an opportunity to break the barrier among the struggling and the prosperous.
Accomplishing something my family never could do is my mission.
But of Course that’s something a teacher will never understand.