House of cards
House of cards
Easily blown away by wind
It doesn't take long
To notice how fragile it became
It holds memories inside
Memories of the good times
It has always kept the scent
Of tenderness and sounds of laughs
Happy laughs that seem
Never been able to find their way back home
The house that has been full of emotions
Now empty from it all
It's never been its fault
But the ones who live inside
Are so busy tearing it apart
Not able to see how fragile it became
Easily blown away by the wind
Causing its downfall
Destroying its pillars
And turning it to dust
However there's still hope
To build it up strong and still
But none wants to rise it up
They're just good at leaving
Abandoning what once was
The dearest to their heart
Leaving it to beasts only to be swallowed alive
It's always been so fragile
And could be easily blown away
though it wasn't the wind to blame
But the icy breez of its dwellers
Freezing it all over
And then demolishing what have been buit by their own hands
Is it alright to see any hope again?
Knowing that who's destroying it is the one who has power,
Do blow life into its shattered soul.