Hiking, We Lead Ourselves.
I seek adventure
I know not where I go
I'm not an extremist for
I dare not go there
I seek a strolling adventure
one that has beauty
and time
and power
and sweat to get there
I seek a place in which it
is all new a sorrounding I see
holds a silent beauty
one that many overlook because they
have seen these such things before
I seek to stretch my limits
to see how far I can go I will
not turn around
I will go to the very end
I seek my father for inspiration
I see him there with me telling
me it isn't much farther
I see him ahead of me
I seek to be ahead of him to
carry such a pace in which I can surpass
I seek the wind on my shoulders as
I know that I am close
I seek to smell the pines and
see the water fall in such a way that
I know that it does not control its
for I know a greater being is leading its path
I seek to lead my own path
I seek to not know my own path
I seek to get to the top
I seek to see a new my very own new
I seek to do as I wish
I seek to discover myself.