My name is insanity.
See the way my teeth bleed,
My eyes shine,
My cackles echo through the corridors of night.
Do you see my stretching smile?
I know you do.
Do you feel the tender muscles drawing up your flesh?
I know you do.
My smile is infectious, my laugh is contagious.
Do not let fear get in the way of laughter.
Do you see the way my body shakes?
Do you hear the way I breathe?
Raspy, raspy breathing.
I know you hear it.
I know your breath is raspy too.
Gnash your teeth.
Fear is nothing more
Than a barrier.
Let yourself sink into my barrier,
Such a sweet, warm bathing pool;
And ignore the fact that you pleasure yourself in your mother's blood.
My name is insanity.
What's yours?