Hell of A Life
I'm just walking
On an adventure you might say
Through day & night
Who knows what I might find?
We may just be lost in the wild
Where the wild things are
What do we know?
We probably are the wild things
No one knows for sure
As we grow, our strengths and weakness accumulates
Little by little winners and losers communicate
It’s all between love and hate
And which path we take
Play with Guns and knives
Niggas leaving their pregnant wives
Silence is a killer and a killer moves in silence
He has a reputation for street violence
Stolen cars and broken houses
Every effect has its causes
Why can’t we see?
We’re on a journey
A journey to where you may ask?
A journey to find who we really are
The unrated heart wrenching truth
We are headed to where no one has gone before
Crawling to our success
We shall become legends one day
Let our stories dwell in the mind of others
Perhaps that's where our journey will lead us
Let our names be remembered like the names of 9/11
Let our journey guide us to the better future
Let it be a journey full of action
Lets make it suspenseful
Perhaps a journey of great horror
Maybe a journey full of romance
I always wanted a happily ever after
Let it teach others morals of life
We shall show just how important we are
We the people
We the students
We can make a movement
if we move in groups like the natives
Fight for what we deserve
if it’s not yours, hand it over
It’s time to play the game
Rumor has it that we are all-stars in the game
the one game everyone hates playing
the game that brings
Strong hatred
Horrifying pain
Tears of sadness
Tears of joy
the game everyone was born into
the game of life.