Ground Zero
As I stand here, at Ground Zero
I reflect on what happened all those years ago
So many bitter memories on my mind
From the day I escaped with just my life
I should be a dead man, I shouldn't be alive
I guess God wasn't done with me that time
We think we're free, but are we really
Our bravery is what they're stealing
We try not to shed any tears
Pride prevents us from showing our fear
They lit the fire, we started the war
We still don't know what they did it for
We can fire the shots, throw some harsh blows
They'll never take America's soul
As I reflect on the pain
I remember the part of me washed away in the fiery rain
So much happened on that fateful day
The day part of me melted away
I shouldn't be alive, I'm a blessed man
As I remember the burning avalanche
I think that day I went to hell
I think of the alarm bells
Sirens screamed as people fell to the ground
I shudder as I remember the horrific sounds