The Greek Gods of 2019
Some say he rules the world, others think he’s just lucky, but one thing’s for sure is that he is the most wealthiest and successful man that has ever lived throughout the history of the world since Soloman’s time. Even Donald Trump is not anywhere near the riches, the Almighty Zeus can attain. Many wonder how it is possible for a man like this to achieve such unreachable heights, but when they can’t get an answer, he remains to be the most envied among his competitive peers. He is best known for his first class resorts and airports, often nicknamed “A second heaven” from tourists, celebrities, and even young children, because they deliver to humanely pleasures very well- but almost too well! The same can be said for his airports named “Flight Olympus” where on first class, beautiful music is played from harps and lyres, the passengers are served, fed, and massaged, and greeted with a large feast of foreign, delicious foods!
As these places never fail to disappoint, is the main reason why this prosperous man manages to top #1 on the Forbes List of Millionaires, ranking above his peers Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. Apart from the overly successful life, the Almighty Zeus can actually be a good time when treated right, but watch out for his anger, it is said the anger of Zeus is able to unknowingly summon a thousand lightning bolts to strike down from the sky and cause great terror to the world! When tensions between people arise, he usually knows exactly what to do to fix the problem, a great quality that makes for a family man to have. Many are also aware of the numerous fidelities he possesses and his rocky marriage the world-renowned marriage counselor, Hera, but the most confusing part is how they remain married in spite of this. However, it brings him a great line of children with extraordinary talents the world had yet seen!
As one of the most followed beauty/style/love gurus on instagram, twitter, and snapchat, this lady works hard at what she does and remains successful nevertheless. Despite her unnaturally beautiful appearance that won her pageants and bring the men around her to surrender themselves, she is the most sought after love expert when it comes to nervous first dates or lovemaking techniques. Even though this is true, romantic relationships are never stable in the life of Aphrodite. She believes in the freedom to love and to love many at a time, which is why the idea of marriage can’t tie this woman down. As a true lover of beauty, she is always in the front row seat of fashion week, has tremendous brands of clothing, makeup, and hair, and she knows how to set the trends at just the right time for people to follow. Many companies are after this woman to represent them because she is beautiful and knows how to sell products fast. A while ago, she has walked the Victoria’s Secret runway, bringing in a large number of views across the world and reigning success for the company (her bra was the most purchased!). As much as women can’t stand can’t stand how pretty she is, they always rush to follow her latest posts, uploads, or style updates, because she is still an influencer. It might be because this beauty queen is the center of everyone’s attention, which can lead to some narcissistic behaviors, however she is popular, sociable, and definitely knows how to talk!
She is a driving force, the world had not prepared to see. Intelligent and courageous, this woman who embodies all the powers of wisdom can conquer the world with little effort required. Born as “the brains of the family” Athena was known to be a young prodigy among her teachers and classmates (she may have even invented a new education system), not only were her grades deemed exceptional, but she was also highly active in her school activities. Participating in clubs such as chess, art, poetry, history, and debate, just to name a few, she excelled at them all and managed to make it at the top of her class throughout her school years. As a young woman, her brains become of good use for military fields when war was afoot. Using her wit and strategy, she came up with brilliant weaponry inventions and plotted innovative master plans for soldiers to follow that would eventually lead to success. As a result, Athena is applauded for the many victories she brings for her country and has even been awarded a badge of honour by the former president himself, for all her greatest achievements. She believes in a world where everyone can be happy and peaceful, so she isn’t afraid of speaking her mind when it comes to difficult topics such as LGBTQ rights, in fact she’s constantly encouraging others around her to vote, volunteer, or even campaign for topics of their interest to prove they have a voice in this world. Her fierce belief in women's rights and familiar morals are the reason for her strong relationships with exceptional women like Michelle Obama and Melinda Gates. As the favorite daughter, her father could not have been anymore proud of what she has accomplished. Many people seem inclined to follow her, because her wisdom serves the best advice and her inspiring actions bring change everywhere she goes.
Similar to her sagacious sister, Athena, Artemis will do whatever she can to protect her purity and also chooses to live and independent life instead, but she is rather more introverted and has a very cynical view of those around her. However, along with her sibling counterparts, Ares, Apollo, and Athena, she participated in school sports, making a name for herself with the bow and arrow, but like Ares, her aggression can take over, which can put a toll on her relationship with her and her teammates. Nevertheless her skills have won her Olympic gold medals throughout her career, and many can’t help but admire her athletic build. From the Olympics, she entered the medical field and became a prenatal nurse to help mothers nurse their unborn babies, the same way she helped her mother give birth to her twin brother, Apollo. Though silent, her opinions are direct and loud, and she doesn’t have a problem letting them be known, but she will only do so if asked. For example, on some occasions she will accompany Athena on her world-changing adventures in the pursuit of helping other countries. Her passion for children is very well known, so it’s not surprising to see her playing “mommy” or advising parents on what’s good for their child’s health. In her free time, she likes to isolate herself in the wild to hunt for animals,walk in nature, meditate, dance, and exercise. As a feminist, she pledged to her father at a young age that she will never marry, and that was that! Although she barely shows her face, her talents are deeply admired and she will at least be remembered for most of the good she brings in people’s lives, even if it’s not all caught in the public light.