The Glass Girl
Delicate features, slight stature.
That is who she is.
Shy, unassuming, ignored,
She dances on the air, moves like a ballerina.
Twirling, twirling, twirling,
One wrong move could send her falling.
Smash and shatter against the cold unforgiving ground.
They call her Glass Girl;
If only they knew the truth.
Words screamed at all hours of the day,
Thrown like bullets from the mouth.
That is what she comes home to.
That is what she has learned to ignore.
Stay under the radar, and maybe just maybe she will survive.
She keeps her thoughts inside her head,
Dreams and schemes of being on her own,
Of what she could be and what she could do.
She may be the glass girl,
But she is anything but breakable.