The Girl In The Mirror
Do you see that girl, looking in the mirror?
Staring at herself, faulting imperfections?
Yes that girl, who goes out every night.
Parties to her heart's delight.
The day she has no sorority to attend,
She picks on herself and finds another fault to append.
Yes that girl who plasters a smile on her face,
To whom the scent of nail paint gives solace.
Do you see that girl looking in the mirror?
Rubbing off her lipstick, as the night grows darker.
Yes that girl, who slathers on glitter,
To hide the hurt that made her heart bitter.
Everyday she curls her hair,
Meticulously, with tender-loving-care.
And as she lets down her curls at night,
The show is over, turn off the lights.
Her head touches the pillow,
A tear slides off her face.
Her mind works in overdrive,
As she struggles to find her place.
She constantly finds herself amidst,
A dark, bottomless abyss.
And so she wanders here and there,
Like a nomad without a home to spare.
Hence every night she waits,
For a man to take her home.
A man who could be her knight in shining armor,
And could make her life a little better.
Until dawn comes and marks a new beginning,
And drags her back into a morning full of questioning.
So she waits for night to come again,
To save herself from agony and pain.