To the girl I ignored at the NYD party in Leicester - questions
It's been a week
we met
Since that,
life's mare
How long
shall it last?
You're so unique
You're the one
with whom
my life
I may share
I want to hold
all these memories
To forget
The hell I liv'in,
these dark ages
What I regret
You danced so cute
Was that your first rave
What did you give me?
Drug, candy?
Something I crave...
I want to know
what you felt
How you fell
What you say
If you see me
What I shared
Did you see it?
You regret?
Reaching me
Daring me
Are you aware?
Of what I feel
Or you just don't care?
This poem is for the girl I met at the Boxed Bar in Leicester during the NYD party on 01.01.2010;
I got a video from her that I shared on Instagram and then told some people from the party about it; Still no idea about her...