Four walls
Around me four
Surrounded by four
If they could speak
What would they say?
[If these walls could speak ]
[they'd tell me]
[to take leaps ]
[Forget my insecurities,]
[my negativity ]
[by any means]
[And once I hit gold repeat]
[til I'm redeemed]
[To forget the obscene,]
[supreme and all that gleams]
If I could speak back I'd tell them their full of shit
Convinced a higher power wants me to lay stiff
Mentality wasted on the four walls themselves
As I relinquish the only skill I have on myself
If they could speak back they'd tell me to
[Open up ]
[Reveal the inner workings of a room sealed off ]
[To perish the thought of my rusted locks]
[and fight for my stagnant body]
[before the cadavre doth rot ]
If I could reply I'd tell them their right
In fact as different we are, so are we alike
As I hold in spite, so do you maintain life
After all I realize now all we have is each other at night
You see the me that no other has seen
The me hidden deep by means of lies, dreads and fears
The real me despite the dark parts
Despite the assholery, the douchebagery and scarred arms
And so I ask the only real guardians I have
Am I a human being worth the idolatry I love?
In reply they'd tell me
[I'm worth more ]
[They'd tell me I'm worth gold ]
[They'd implore that diamonds]
[are buffed by pressure alone]
[ And in return I'd laugh ]
[ Tell myself confidence is what I lack ]
[ I like living in my head and in truth thats not a path ]
[ And once I see that I can get passed my simple thoughts ]
[ reverse the curse that has me in it's locks]
[ the shelter I sought institutionalized me ]
[ But without the struggle who am I to be?]
[ Man cannot change without suffering ]
[ For he is the marble and the sculptor ]
[ And within time the very walls that hold me in ]
[ Will ]
[ Wither ]
[ themselves ]
Until no more walls hold me down
[ Too bad though. ]
[Walls Can't speak.]