I was born a joker, never a king, never any good at chess.
But I was thrown from my castle when you made that play where you loved him more and liked me less.
but I digress...
because there is nothing more than I would like less to be separated more than an inch from your flesh,
I'm not just talking breasts, I'm talking neck and back of knees, I'd share your disease just to feel the breeze, the caress of your hot breathe upon my rapidly beating chest. Which I would gladly split open if it meant we could chew the fat.
we used to chat until I said "night night" now I can't glance at you without turning blind, you're such a bright light.
burns in me a deeper red than the hair that flows from your elegant head, cooling blue eyes, If you were mine I'd hold your hand and recite these lines, in a futile attempt to change your mind.
but I digress,
because you love him more and like me less.
unrequited love hurts more than the poisons I inhale and ingest.
while waiting to be within an inch of your flesh.