flawless feminine
I am a woman
I am not your plaything
I have an identity
I have a name
I am not “sweet thing”
I am a girl
I shouldn’t have to carry my keys between my fingers
I shouldn’t have to wear special nail polish so I can test my drink for date rape drugs
I shouldn’t have to be afraid to walk by myself or another girlfriend at night
I am not “baby give me a smile”
I am a female
Why does media tell me that if I wear a short skirt it is my fault?
Why do I have to worry about grown men eyeing me like I’m their next meal?
Why do only 3% of rapists spend a day in jail?
I am not “look at those legs”
I may be a woman
But that doesn’t mean you can touch me
Objectify me
Suppress me
I am not “looking isn’t a crime, baby”
There is no such thing as “non-breathing swimming”
There is swimming
And then there is
There’s no such thing as “nonconsensual sex”
There’s sex, with both partners agreeing
And then there is
Don’t make rape sound like something it’s not
Don’t try and lessen it’s blow
Don’t try and make it polite or politically correct
Call it by its name, call it what it is
Call it rape
No, you didn’t allow him to touch you there
Yes, he did it anyways
No, you weren’t the first
No, you won’t be the last
Humanity has been raped
Raped by the thought that rape is okay
Raped by the thought that rape is the fault of anyone but the rapist
Don’t you dare tell the girl who was pinned down
Staring at the ceiling
Wondering when it will all be over that
Maybe she shouldn’t have worn those shorts that make her butt look so good or
Maybe she shouldn’t have had that last drink
Instead, tell the rapist
Don’t fucking rape
She is not yours
She is hers
If she says no
That doesn’t mean go
I am flawless because
I will speak out
For myself
For those who can’t
I don’t hate men
I hate sexual harassment and assault
Once women are respected like men
Once people stop trying to tell me that cat-calling is “flattering”
Once women make dollar for dollar, not 75 cents for the dollar
Once more rapes are reported and taken seriously and prosecuted
Once I can walk alone and not imagine how I would escape an attacker
Once the victim isn’t blamed, but instead the rapist is
Then I will sit down
Until then, I’ll be here
Once again, I don’t hate men
In fact, I’m envious
Why does being born with a penis instead of vagina grant you certain privileges and respect?