fire from the sun
Elementals of the world
we all need to survive
not only to withstand their damage
but needing them to sustain our lives.
Earth creates fissures
collapsing buildings
that swallow us whole.
using it to grow our crops
concrete to build our homes
Water’s tidal waves
drown our cities
engulfs us with its strength.
fresh water needed to sustain us
supplies food from the ocean’s depth
Air’s abrupt mighty vortex
lethargic rampant hurricanes
destroying everything in its way.
oxygen all life needs to breathe
regulates the climate of the day
Fires scorching sun
radiation burning our skin
timbers charred to a sunder.
provides warmth from the cold
light at night, cooking food we muster
Fire’s associated with getting mad
ignites road rage in the street
arsonists combustion protests,
pulling the trigger of a pistol
worsens the issues of unrest.
discharged from an earning job
getting worked up before a game
maybe it’s down in purgatory
fire is used in many ways.
after these four elements
have finished with their bane
only the blaze can we extinguish
letting nature start over again.