The day I first met you,
I will never forget
It was a chance encountering
Not one I did expect
To me you were nothing,
A rumor, a myth,
To me in my world
You never did exist.
Until one day on a snowy
December night,
You showed me a world I
Never knew.
I never dreamt
Of it until
I met you.
You truly are an unknown genre.
An enigma of sorts.
Until I read you from the inside out,
I could never tell what you
Were all about.
You are like a puzzle,
'Enjoyable to play,
But hard to solve.
I remember when
You told me once,
Long ago,
That I reminded you of a Raven.
You said, "You are a Raven in which
You are not tied down by the
Gravity of this world.
A Raven speaks what it wants to
Be spoken, and sings
As it wishes. Never forget you are
My lovely Raven."
I didn't understand the sweet
Words you spoke to me.
Looking back now I realize I was afraid
To fall in love with you
Afraid that if I let you
Break down my walls,
I would come face to face with
My worst fear
I loved you until it was
Hard to breathe, to think, when
You were around.
I never knew how it felt to
Care for someone
The way I care for you.
And now that I love you
I'm afraid to lose you.