Ever Torn
The Sky
Insisting to reflect what is inside of me
Darkened it's clouds to night
Pouring out my grief;
The trees bowed and trembled beneith it's power;
I turned my face up to accept it's companionship
Soaked with hatred and remorse;
My soft heart caved under the pressure of black clouds
I shattered
Fell to the ground
Succumming to the pounding of my own pain;
It was only then the sky relented
Releasing me of it's tears
Breaking it's spell
The clouds fell away
The sun created God's promise again;
The shards of my spirit sprang to life as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow;
Forever trapped am I by the mystery of my own soul
So close to the end
yet not allowed to go;
Until the end of time the sky will bring forth it's midnight clouds
to morn my ever torn and broken heart.