I am woman.
I'm not proclaiming it
to persuade you to see what I am not.
I am the carrier of labor pains
For the delivery of greatness,
An existence carried on our backs.
Gratitude backed up in the bowels
Of men who lack perception
And receive redemption for the abuse
And misconception of our use.
I am woman
This is not only what you see of me.
Because of who I am.
But what you feel In me.
The calm you reveal
As you lay upon my breasts
Receiving the rest you feel you deserve
While I serve you full intimacy.
I let you into my secrecy
Share my sacred virginity
Every stroke deeper into my vanity.
I am woman.
I know my value is immeasurable
And my worth unattainable.
Because I am woman.
I am strength at the very length
Of what's being measured.
The value of pleasurable
stimulation to your soul
Beyond the limitation of a "duty"
Or a role
I am woman
I am intelligence in the very sense.
The depth of My virtue
Contains my excellence.
I am woman
The sensitivity of my tears
Are built up from all the years
We have cried "I am Woman!"
And you deferred hearing from your ears.
Ignored our cares. Fed our fears
Attacked our hair
My beauty degraded for your entertainment
My ability, emotional stability underestimated.
Meant to break me down,
Sizable for your incompetence
And still, here I am.
This poem is about:
My family
My community
My country
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: