The creatures scream and shout,
From the winter boondocks of my mind,
Oh, the things they scream about;
Their gnarly, needy hands,
Desperately attempting to grip my fate and my future,
To either destroy and dissolve it,
Or implant an infectious tumor;
My head,
My brain,
And my sanity,
Who just want to be left be,
Cry and scream their loudest for help,
The help they know they all need;
A little plastic bottle was given,
Miles beyond reluctance,
And from there I was driven,
Driven far away from the icy canyon of suicide,
And the freezing ocean of insanity;
My driver was my salvation,
My ingestible savior,
My little, circular exorcist,
Who forever changed the creatures’ behaviors;
For a while, there was a hopeless apathy in this type of cold,
But I am now one who finds beauty in breakaway from the wretched winter,
And still one who finds strength in every soul.