Don't Dissappear From Me
Don’t disappear from me
I know I haven’t always been the greatest person
I’ve been selfish, stupid and just completely inattentive
I’ve said things I didn’t mean
I’ve blamed you for things that were out your control
And I’ve taken you for granted
I’m sorry
Don’t disappear from me
You’ve always been stronger than me
Holding yourself together when I know all you wanted to do was fall apart
I’ve shut you out
Mistreated you
Acted like you were this terrible person
And every day I wish I could take it back
Please, don’t disappear from me
Cause now you’re sick and dying
You won’t tell me everything because you don’t want me to cry
But I can’t help it
I love you and I’m not ready to say goodbye
I want to see you again
I want us to go on our adventures like we used to
Wander around for hours and eat sushi in the village
I want to show you where I go to school
How good I’m doing in class
How you’ve inspired me to work hard
And have the life you never had
You’ve sacrificed so much for me
And I can’t put how grateful I am into words
All I know is I’m proud to call you mom
And I’m going to give you the life you deserve
No matter how long it takes
I will give you a life that is much better than this one
You just have to promise me one thing
You won’t give up
You’ll keep on fighting and beat this
You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known
And that will never change
So please, don’t disappear from me