High and low
Never normal
Always fighting
Am I losing the battle
Some days it feels like it
Always on my mind
Always there
Like a leech
Or a tick
Blood-sucking bastard
Time taker
Life stealer
Pain causer
Why was it me?
Not my father
Not my sister
Thank you for sparing them the pain
But why did I have to take it on?
I have enough
I want a normal life
Not with you
Constantly at my side
In my mind
Present in my body
I want you gone
A metaphorical eviction notice
Please remove yourself as soon as possible
But I know it just can't be
You are an irremovable parasite
Stealing my time
My limbs
My eyes
My life
My family
My mental health
You ruin everything
You ruined me
You make me so angry
I want to explode
I wish I could fix you
I have enough to deal with
Without you on my plate as well
I could be normal
But not with you
Always there
Attention whore
Blood-stealing bastard
I hate you
You ruined my life
Leave my body
Get out
Let me be normal