A grey film envelopes the eyes,
A shell replaces what once was.
The body is there,
But the soul is no more.
Death hath not taken
What once settled within.
A disease fed upon that which was inside,
Till a shell lay empty and broken in mind.
No creature or being could enter such hell.
Pardon the disease that feasted on high.
Shrivelled and alone was the creature within.
Yet something knocked on the doors of heaven.
A seed of hope,
The cure to pain?
A cure, it is not.
No, it is love.
Love not for the man
Who holds the hand of a shell.
Yet rather love
For the babe at her breast.
Yet nothing could stop this creature
Of hell and pain and death.
Not a whim of magic,
Or the love a new born child.
Years may pass,
Centuries even.
The disease will linger on the edge
Of pure love, hope, eternity.
How does a simple, incurable thing
Become so meaningful in one’s life?
For revenge is taken
Upon those who forget to listen.
Now Death do us apart,
It is real and true.
Not a child or friend
Could bring what once was.
Here is Death,
Aided by such a disease.
Here are the ups and the downs
Of a disease that hooked.
A name you ask,
For a disease such as this?
Bi-polar, depression,
Maybe insanity is correct.
For no disease such as this
Can be cured with medicine or doctors.
Only Death is the way
To ease such pain.
Selfish it is not
To want to leave this land.
For there is nothing here
For the simple shell.