Destiny's Circumstance
Dear Destiny,
With words unspoken, you decide our fate
From the things we love to the things we hate
Who we fall in love with, and who we can't stand
Our every last wish, our every last demand
But Destiny you can only do so much
Because my own hope is my biggest crutch
I have hopes, and I have dreams of who I aspire to be
And Destiny.... you can only tell my story
Destiny your only power is circumstantial
But everything in my power is substantial
You decide how I meet people
I decide how I treat people
You can throw things at me
Have things attack me
Have disaster slap me
Have disappointment entrap me
But I decide how I take the journey
And I decide if I'm returning
You can tell me how I am
But I... I decide who I am
And I decide how I act
And one day I'll look back
I'll see the past
And I will bask
In what I've done
Because in the long run
I decided
And all you did was provided
Until next time