In Defense of Silly Hats
I don`t make a secret of this
But just in case you didn`t know
I`m kind of Napoleon
And I know what you`re thinking
But no,
For the record Napoleon wasn`t short
That was a myth fabricated by the British
to make him look insecure and petty
He was none of these things
And neither am I
No, really, I`m not
At the very least I`m not insecure
Well not more than an little insecure I mean
I mean I couldn’t be more than a little insecure
I am little
No I am Napoleon because we both have this tendency
To get in way over out heads
Witch is of course where I hung a poster of him
right next to a bright orange poster that states
“zombies only eat brains, so you`re safe”
Equally comforting to both me and him
But it`s not just that
It`s our slightly more masculine approach to our roles
Mine as a woman
With short hair
And a girlfriend
And his as a ruler of France
I mean really
Shoes without high heels
Natural hair
Instead of a wig
His slightly less humorous out fits
It must have been an outrage, a scandal
And it`s this out of place confidence
It`s the way nothing scares me
It`s This crazy feeling that when the time comes I will crown myself
It`s The way I`m certain that if I do my job I can achieve any goal
Get into college? I can do it
Starve out the British when all logic says it`s impossible? Absolutely
Break into my neighbor`s houses to deposited random jars of Nutella ? Not a problem
Invade Russia in winter? What do you take me for?
Inept, of course I can do it
And I don`t think it`s that he didn`t know what had happened on previous attempts
But we`re always so sure we`ll be the exception
Because that fire in our belies crackles and burns with certainty
It`s confidence, and arrogance and big heads decked out in ridiculous hats
But also it’s this burning urge to prove something
To someone
Probably ourselves
So yeah maybe I am compensating for something when I decide it`s was a good idea to take 6 AP`s and the Sat in less than two weeks
And maybe that`s what he was doing when he led all those brave men to their deaths
But then it`s not just short people who have Napoleon complexes
Who here isn`t compensating for their apparent lack of something
Height, intelligence, looks, grades, bread
Just be glad you have a head attached to your shoulders
because As many wise and not so wise men have said
So lead all the brave men of France to their deaths
maybe something good will come of it
maybe you are the exception
but for the record we are not the Macedonians or the Mongols
we are the intrepid fools
who will likely live long enough to be abandoned
on our own metaphorical Saint Helena
I`ll ask that We remember this
when Napoleon
was banished to the edge of the earth
he realized that fire in his belly
had become cancer in his belly
and hey
in a metaphorical sense
maybe it had been all along