The Deep Change
To aid those who have fallen,
To breathe in the air of knowledge,
To know that one made a difference
Makes the world so much better.
My life is drenched in sorrow,
Too many violent, pained people reside in this world;
I see the need there is to be free,
I want to mirror the need,
As I help those struggling to be free,
To be in a less stressful degree.
What a Criminal Psychologist does,
Has kept me on my tips;
I am interested to see, to be, to know,
To make a difference for those with stressful degrees.
My dream job will teach me to be,
The person I was meant be,
The one with the will of an eternity.
The one who loves to be kind and free.
I want order, I want strength,
I want peace to flow so gracefully,
As gracefully as can be.