Dear you
Dear you,
You have hurt me deeply
Everything about me is suffering
Coated with anger only to reveal the sadness underneath
Stained in red, oh what my life has come to be
Can’t seem to get out of bed my bones to weak to move
My heart and mind can’t agree on what to speak
You expect an apology and so do I
Broken promises, broken bones
Both hurt just as bad
You have no idea the pain you have caused me
It hurts the most when you were the one I cared about
“I’ll never leave you, I promise”
Yet that's what you did
Leaving me in the aftermath of it all
You knew I was broken
I was in need of someone
I thought you were the one
Silly me
Am I alive or just breathing?
I'm left a mess without you
This meaningless promise to you
Meant everything to me
You seem to not care
Avoiding me like an author avoids cliches
Did I ever mean anything to you?
In the end I lay broken while you live on
you smile and laugh
I die and crash
I was stained red and forever will stay stained
Goodbye my lovely friend
You always meant the world to me