The Darkness Inside
A dark night
A house at the end of the road
Shades pulled and door closed
What lies inside the lonely home?
A poor boy all alone
When the sun resurrects
The boy too must show life
And hide his inside strife
His mouth speaks not of his trouble all the day
But rather paints a smile across his face
His past
The mountains he climbed
They left him scarred and feeling lonely all the time
Nostalgia grows deep inside
Heartache for the one he once held
Heartache for the one he once loved
For the one who once loved him
All make the light inside dim
He tries to forget
But his dreams won’t let
Wakes up in tears
Realizing his worst fear
They are no longer together
That he can no longer hold her
Flashbacks and day dreams
Poisons he cannot withhold
Darken his inside and makes him love her all the more
The door remains closed
To never utter the reason of his deplore
The windows remain closed
But the shades wide open
If only she came up to see
Up to the window and looked inside
Hopefully she’ll through his eyes
The pain and that all happiness has died
A bright full day
A boy surrounded by friends
Laughing and smiling: a pretend
smiles spread across his face
But inside remains
An empty dark space