Crown thy Good
Oh crown thy good in brotherhood
and sisterhood.
Crown the days the weeks the months
we spend with our backs bent
over the stoves and our hips
holding our children.
Crown us Queens,
but that has no meaning
when Kings sit on the throne.
Or does it?
If it does it's hard to see
with sweat on our brows
from the heat of the fires
that burn in our bellies.
Land of the free
Home of the Women
who send our futures off to
school everyday to have them
come home broken and silenced.
Home of the people who
don't deserve to bear arms
because those arms only hurt
our children who we love.
And it happens year after year
and we still think
it's our right.
Oh beautiful
are the girls who walk down the streets
and are whistled at
no matter what they wear.
Oh beautiful
is the way we feel scared
to walk alone at night.
Oh beautiful
is the way
we hold our car keys like knives
and grip them tightly
with white knuckles
as if they would make a dent.
Oh beautiful
is the way we still think
our country has no problems.
Oh crown thy good in brotherhood
as many overlook,