Corvus exspectationem
It’s never vocalized or stated clearly, but it exists – that is, in theory
A shadow cast by parents, teachers, peers, and more
Labeled “Academically-inclined”; to an automatic clique assigned
Once a hobby, now a chore
An outside pressure never felt before
Expectations and nothing more
It remains the greatest nuisance to all of us students
And undoubtedly useless; the dreaded homework we abhor
Do you think we have the time to come up with these pointless rhymes?
I’m just tryna meet some dimes or take a nap right on the floor
Our time is just as precious as yours
Just expectations and nothing more
When PowerSchool causes anxiety, our worth is determined by an “Honor Society”
With high prospects, is disappointment what you implore?
Quizzes as a detector; the inverse tangent of a vector
Forty minutes of a lecture – yet time between, only four
I’m not the genius you’re asking for
Expectations and nothing more
To sit and ask how to top the last -
Works and poems of the past, is this what you’ve been asking for?
Disapproval is a risk, because of standards that preexist,
But let that thought be dismissed – another tally to the score
These things in life you have to ignore
They’re just expectations and nothing more