Connotations of Country
American pride
is wrongfully written
its true meaning is hidden
beneath zealous jingoism
pride, on a Mohs scale, is a ten
pride can cut through hate and oppression
it can be stained by war and blood
it still shines the colors of light as reflection
patriotism does not hold the same contradiction
jingoism is manifest destiny
jingoism is social darwinism
jingoism is #whitelivesmatter #straightpride #meninism
patriotism is pride
it is the flowers after the terror
it is in the way we hold our daughters tight, Sandy
it is in the way we kiss our sons’ foreheads, Pulse
it is in the way we squeeze our lovers tighter, Boston
it is the ashes of titans and twins recreated into beauty
it is fireworks
I remember vividly the days I did not pledge my allegiance to a country
i thought hardly pledged its allegiance to me
when colombus and washington’s memories became tainted
when boys i could have known were killed for roaming city streets
their memories are used to build a better future
I choose to remember more the days i placed a hand upon a worn cotton tee
singing songs and laughing carelessly
i see the faults in this foundation, canyons in our soil
we build around these cracks with faith we will not crumble
i am proud to live in this nation