Connected to You.
The sound of rain pitter pattering on the roof connects me to you.
The rain on my roof when we were hiding from our parents.
The drops landing on your face when you tell me you love me.
The tears running down mine when I said it back.
The color of the sunset connects me to you.
The red reminds me of the healed scars on your wrist.
The orange reminds me of the orange juice that came out of your nose.
The yellow reminds me of the yellow flowers you gave me on our first date.
The smell of pine connects me to you.
The smell of pine follows you from the trees that are your true home.
The pine needles in my hair from falling down a hill and you rescueing me.
The way you climb the trees with no shoes, the way you're in your element.
Everything I see conects me to you.
Everything I do keeps me connected to you.
Everything I feel conects me to you.
I love you.