Confidence, she wears a yellow dress,
Doing nothing, but her best
In all that life throws at her
Disregarding all the rest.
Confidence, she wears a yellow dress.
Confidence is bright and vibrant with oh, so many colors.
When she struts in the world, she strikes her sisters and brothers.
Not one soul can ruin or break what she has,
Due to her strength and resistance the negativities just pass.
Determination, growth, and faith are her friends;
Dealing with challenges until their ends.
They strive for success and aim high goals,
Accomplishing all without any holes.
And with their high and admirable qualities
They bloom and flourish, revealing the best of their abilities.
But no one can change who they are,
The choices they make,
Or if life puts them to the most challenging test;
If that may be where you are, just remember Confidence, who wears a yellow dress.