Colors of Love
Feeding on the images in my own contemplation, mental orgasms leading to sinfully sensual stimulation. As your body calls, my body urges, caught up in temptation, as the storm surges, so ready to release and splurge. But hesitation, upon time with The Father in meditation, i see it's not time for our bodies to converge. These thoughts, for the time being, I need to purge. It's far more important, to see our hearts connect. For love to be created within first, before I let your passion quench my thirst. So we'll make love on the deepest levels of intellect. How much sweeter, and bonds deeper, when our bodies revisit this place with beautiful memories to recollect, a bigger picture painted, on the canvas of our bodies, untainted. As memories reflect, with each touch. With each stroke, more vivid colors of our love on the stroke of the brush. But it's going to take a lot of self control. My body's so willing, it's chilling, but it's my heart I want to have stole. Nothing more thrilling, than a love built on trust to the point that you can give up control. A love built on God as The Foundation. Finding you to be a piece of me like woman was to man at the time of creation. As I get lost in those deep brown pools of chocolate, you call eyes. We won't rush to touch, but when we come to that moment, we'll own it, and I'll take ownership of what's between your thighs. Upon it my name will be written. Just as I write my name in your heart, finding you smitten. But of course can't own you, you're not a slave to my love. We are both royalty, children of God above. So I happily accept what you choose to offer of yourself and I'll treasure it like the diamond my mind's eye recognizes you to be. So caught up in the colors of your love. Thanking God for sending you to me!