People cannot be broken
Nevertheless, there will come a time
When you meet someone who will make you feel like
Hundreds of pieces of pottery
Scattered on the ground
And then trampled upon
Until you are indistinguishable from the dirt
It will start with something like
The two of you cuddled up on the same chair
Outside on your porch at 1am
While the cold December air bites at your skin
They will tell you that they love you for the first time
And you will feel so
But every beginning has an ending
And it won’t be a “let’s just be friends”
Or a “I care about you, but it just can’t work”
No, it will be screaming at a brick wall and cuts on your thighs and a bottle full of bleach tempting you to drink it
It will be uncaring eyes and cold words
As you beg them not to go
And it will come as suddenly as getting hit by a truck
The difference being that the truck would be
Much more pleasant
And you will feel broken
But people cannot be broken
Because people
Are not pottery
People are the clay
Moldable, changeable, shapeable
And yes, crushable
But no less able to build yourself back up
To shape and sculpt yourself into something even better than before
LIke the clay spinning round and round on the wheel
You are never a finished product
Always a work in progress
And just as a painting an artist paints over their old picture
Is made no less beautiful by the layers underneath it
You too will shape yourself into someone
Who is never lesser
No matter how you were crushed before
You cannot be broken
You cannot be worthless
Even when you feel the most damaged
If you can be made into something beautiful later
You must be worth something now
You are clay
And you cannot be broken