Clara Who Clerihew
Clara Oswald Who
Secret wife of Doctor Who
Returned from September's honeymoon
By way of last year's month of June
© 2019 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved
Poetry notes:
Poetry form: Clerihew - These Clerihew poems are perfectly cooked in their own juices, resulting in Clerihew Au Jus ! Bon appétit !
This is my first ever Clerihew, so I decided to write about Clara Who. What's that you say? It's not proper to use "Who" in the second line to rhyme with "Who" in the first line? Thanks for telling me. Who knew? I have time for a few more questions. What took the Doctor and Clara so long to tie the knot? They couldn't decide on a date. What's their favorite pastime? (Get it?) Time travel. When do they find the time to time travel? It's irrelevant. Ok. I'm done now.