
You think of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, and it seems like such a beautiful thing.

You don’t think deeply about all of the pain and suffering that change can bring.

That completely destroying who you are is the scariest thing you can do,

But you know that that is the only way that you can become the real you.

Letting go of everything you know is a scary task,

But you also know that you can’t keep living like this, and there is only so much time that you 

can wear a mask.

Before the reality of who you really are shines through,

And you are stuck at a crossroads, and you don’t know what else to do.

For too long, you kept repeating the same mistakes over and over again,

And you know you need to let them go because they are only going to hurt you in the end.

But you always turn back to that same comfort when you feel let down,

Because you don’t know what else you can do to pick yourself up off of the ground.

But you know that you need to let these bad habits go,

Because you have been embarrassed of them for too long because it was the only thing that you 


But you know deep down that you are the one who can change everything for your family,

And help the future generations become everything that they want to be.

For too long, there have been so many issues that no one has tried to fix,

And your feelings about continuing on with this journey are mixed.

You know that finally taking that jump will be the best thing that you can do,

And one day you will be able to tell the story of everything that you have been through.

How you overcame everything that was trying to destroy you,

And how all of those battles helped you to discover the real you.

Destroying who you are is a scary task to complete,

But you know you better than anyone else, and you know what it takes to beat,

All of those demons that you keep fighting from your past,

So now you can finally become who you want to be at last,


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