Cancer sucks
I know I'm young like all of you, but I've been through a lot.
In 2009 my world caved in on top of me my mom was diagnosed with stage three comprehensive breast cancer..the thought of losing you mom is probably the worst feeling you could ever feel I've sat through many surgeries
and as a 3rd and 4th grader I knew what was happening but didn't understand why or how this could be happening..the following November my parents got a divorce after being separated for 3 years..that's when I lost all the normalcy in my dad would come home and would leave for weeks and then come in an out of my life and today my dad an I do not have a good relationship. Even though I had hit rock bottom and had a very shaky faith with god I still thought that yes he will provide and get my family through this and I need to be positive..but on the other hand I was asking why me..why me god..
Let fast forward a couple of years to April of 2012 my dad calls and says son I have a rare case of cancer it's called multiple myeloma and I'm probably going to die within the next five years..I didn't really know what to think except for I'm losing the man I say is my dad..but now both my parents have cancer and I had really didn't have a relationship with my dad or god..but that may my mom comes home and says that the cancer is gone I'm a survivor..that honestly meant the world to me..there's now this light in my life that we can make through..and then that's when I realized god has been here the whole time..
Although I have been through so much I've learned now that god has always been there for me just waiting for me to talk to him my relationship with god has improved so much, I am more close to god now than I have ever been, and I've committed my life to him now.