Call it

Fri, 08/07/2015 - 05:34 -- angelk_

Call it beauty

Call it beauty when the stars blanket the night sky

When the birds sweeten the morning air

When the rain rejuvenates the fresh soil

When waterfalls look like falling pristine sugar

When the beach sand complements the crystal clear water with a single touch

Call it joy

Call it joy when your laughter makes your heart glow

When you’re stuffed with the greatest thanksgiving meal

When the playground has swings strong enough for you

Or slides long enough for you

When you split a piece of paper in a perfected half

Call it love

Call it love when a puppy allows you to pet it

When someone shares a cookie with you

When someone’s eyes light up because you added positivity to their day

When your lava cake is baked to perfection

When you hug someone and it is a puzzle perfect hug

Call it growth

Call it growth when disaster strikes

When storms brew

When trees wither

When death beckons

When tragedy strikes

Call it hope

Call it hope when sad times rise

For they bring togetherness

Trees may die but they make room for new life

Calamity may destroy but it is in those dark times that we find light in one another

Call it faith

Call it faith when you believe in beauty, joy, love, growth, hope

But most importantly, call. it. awesome.

Call it awesome when you master bringing positivity in the world

Call it awesome when you don’t let fear, despair, or a minor mistake bring you down

And you take the opportunity to develop as a person

Call it awesome

Because we only need some awe

Full awe is “aw-e-ful”

Call it awesome because you probably laughed

Call it funny because life is a quest that can only be battled with laughter

Call it awesome because this poem is over

You. Are. Awesome.

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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