Butterfly Kisses
I cry each time I see a butterfly
because you aren't here to tell me to be strong.
You were there, walking beside me,
as my hands shook and I felt so hollow inside, screaming
"I can't do it!"
A freckled face was quickly shoved into mine, screaming right back at me
about how I am worth every raindrop
that touches the ground
and every butterfly that kisses a flower
because I am a genius
an artist
a scientist
a teacher
a poet.
And you want the world for me.
I will never quit.
I will never give up.
Because I am strong.
And because you were supposed to be here
when that diploma first grazes my fingertips.
But, brother, you lost your battle with sadness.
I was pushed to do better.
You wanted for me what you never had for yourself.
Thoughts of failure weighed down your heart
and tears brimmed your eyes
like raindrops about to touch the ground.
But, Christopher, you will look me in the goddamn eye
and you will know that you were never a failure,
and I will never be a failure
because you reminded me
that I am worth every raindrop
that touches the ground
and every butterfly that kisses a flower.
Because I am a genius.
I am an artist.
I am a scientist.
I am a teacher.
I am a poet.
And I am your little sister.
And I cry each time I see a butterfly,
for I know that each one is a message from you,
telling me to be strong.