Butterfly Effect
One month
Four weeks
Twenty eight days.
A lifetime in a moment, two heartbeats in a second.
First week of the semester you were there
Skating in and out of my vision.
I noticed, but didn't pause
You were there, and I was here.
Gazes that could have met passed by each other
Leaves on a tree half caressed by the wings of a butterfly.
Lingering thoughts not yet completed
Awaiting another time.
The leaves fall, creating a ripple in the ocean.
Another week passes.
We meet through a mutual friend.
Breaths caught, bodies strung tight
But played off ever so coolly.
Nothing was resolved
And the ripple becomes a wave.
The third week comes
A deep breath, held tight
Released when my finger hits the "Request Friend" button.
Facebook stays awake throughout the night
Until, finally,
"Zen has accepted your friend request"
A burst of laughter explodes from my heart,
Spluttering to a halt
Stricken by the message that aimed straight for it.
And so the final week begins.
Shy touches creep into existence
Lips find their home on the other person's soul
Our hands fumble clumsily together.
The wave furls into a typhoon
Bringing me to you.
Gazes now meet
Thoughts become words.
'Are you really mine?'
Becomes a common theme nowadays.
Even if my wings were to spread,
They'd inevitably lead me back to you.
We are bound by a red string, you and I,
My butterfly effect.