Bump, Set, Pass, and Shame?
I would change
If I could change
women’s volleyball shorts.
their function is fine,
They fit the way they were designed to
I am able to dive,
and spike
in them.
I can run and jump and stretch.
I can also feel the stares of the audience members.
My face lights up red.
Red – the color of shame and embarrassment
The color of signs telling me to
I stop.
I cannot concentrate on the game.
The shorts are tight.
They are embarrassing.
They are demeaning.
I do not feel like the strong woman I should feel like on the court.
All I can feel are the stares
The whispers
And the tall, woman across from me spikes the ball
And I miss it, too distracted.
To me, these shorts are the symbol
Of sexism.
And I don’t want to be ashamed of my strength,
But I am.