Broken Toy
United States
43° 22' 22.8756" N, 73° 18' 0.4428" W
See map: Google Maps
A toy you say?
Well that might be,
But look closer
At what you see.
Within it,
Many things twist and grind,
Gizmos and gadgets
Of all shapes and size.
The toy, it moves,
Because of those.
If one thing breaks,
The others go.
The toy just stops
Within its tracks,
But still you play,
Because it’s not bad.
You have fun,
Playing your games.
Making the toy move,
But it stays the same:
Moved by force,
Immobile, unfixed,
All because
Of the gadget that slipped.
All it takes
Is a small repair,
And though it takes time,
It’s worth it, I swear!
-Rebecca J. C.
Guide that inspired this poem: