Broken Hallelujah
She walks alone
Invisible as a ghost
No one notices
No one cares
Would they care,
If they saw her scars?
If they knew her story
Or her heart?
She is nothing
Nobody, unimportant
No one notices
No one cares
And they wouldn't care
If they saw the burns.
Wouldn't if they knew
If she was selfish
She would really be a ghost.
She remains quiet.
They will never know her
And no one notices
They will never care.
Her burns grow larger
Scars turn blood red again.
Everything looks like a noose,
So she grows more selfish
Her heart hurts so much, but
She finally makes the pain
Go away.
And they finally notice
They finally care.
Everyone's a liar,
They all say they were there.
She walks alone
Finally free
Finally happy.
And she sings and sings
A broken hallelujah.