Bright Star
There’s always been a darkness
A never-ending pain
A pit of infinite loneliness
A hole within my chest.
I’d tried so hard to be rid of it
But nothing seemed to help
I hated everything about my life
Because things always went wrong
After they were finally right.
I didn’t want to live any longer
And I almost embraced Death,
But then I experienced something new
It flung aside the darkness
It soothed away the pain
It plucked apart the loneliness
And filled the hole in my chest.
I fell in love with it,
This beautiful shining light
Pulsing with strength
Glowing with hope.
But unfortunately it shone all alone.
I was captivated
I would’ve done anything for my Star
So when my darkness tried to grab it,
I was forced to push it away to keep it safe.
Now it shines for someone else
I can see it in the distance
But I know that I can’t reach it.
My darkness is back around me
Always whispering in my ear
It punishes me for letting the Star weaken it.
All I want is to see my Star
Because maybe it could heal my heart
Maybe it could kill my darkness
Maybe this time,
I could be enough for her.